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Pacita L VanDzura - Online Memorial Website

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Pacita VanDzura
Born in Philippines
58 years
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Helen Hortaleza In memory of your mother and my mother January 6, 2012
As I google and article about how and why Mother is the hardest thing to lose in Life! I found and read your article about your mother! I found solace that someone is going through want am going through with great understanding! I am in a lot of emotional confusingin my grieving process! and I need so much support and understanding cause sometimes Iam sad to angry my emotion is out of control as you say! My condolence your family! our love to yours fro what we are all going through we are all connect in someways in this life even if we never knew or meet before! Iam also a Filipino growing up in states! My mom is just of that what your mom is to you! A solid rock of quality I can't find in no other one! God gave us only one of them! and when it isn't with us in physical being it is so devastating! Its unlike anything thing I've ever experience! If you have a FB please add me on your list! My name is Helen Hortaleza! I would love to share my feelings of love about our to mothers and of your mother! thank you!
Tiffany I hope that you find peace June 14, 2008
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