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Pacita L VanDzura - Online Memorial Website

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Pacita VanDzura
Born in Philippines
58 years
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I remember when I was little, and everytime I was not feeling well you would get me a bottle of my favorite Welches Grape Juice, and set me up on the couch with a trash bag and my blankie.


I remember you taking me during summer break to play tennis on the base then we would pick mangos and also have bacon sandwiches for lunch at the park. I didn't even like tennis or mango's but it was fun to go with you.


I also remember when you would leave little notes around my room having to look in certain places for a treat you would leave me for when I got home from school.


And I just remember you being there everytime for me when ever I needed it, even if you were mad at me, you would put that to the side.(sometimes, lol)


Missing you so much Mom....

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